Payroll Adjustment

Overview: This guide is for adjusting a processed pay period.

  1. Select pay period to adjust [ensure the CURRENT pay period does NOT have any payroll data calculated].
  2. Adjustment is only available for live pay periods with a past payment date [not applicable for historical data].
  3. Click ‘Adjust Payroll’ to start adjustment.
  1. Click ‘Add/Remove Employees’ button.
  2. Select employees.
  3. Click Add and close popup window.
  1. Employees will be loaded with original payroll data. Make changes as required. Only amounts will be added for earnings [no hours, etc]. This new payroll data will replace the original pay run completely.
  2. Press Calculate Payroll button.
  1. Adjustment entry is calculated. If a change is required, select employee[s] checkbox and click Edit. To submit, click Post Adjustment.
    • Once posted, original payroll will be replaced with the adjustment.
    • Remittance differences due to adjustment entry will be managed in the next pay period automatically.
    • Original and adjustment entries can be viewed in Reports>Payroll>Payroll Adjustment. Difference between the original and adjusted Net Pay is what needs to be paid / collected from employee[s].
    • No direct deposit transactions are generated for adjustments:
      1. If Net pay increases due to adjustment it can be paid
        1. Outside of the system
        2. Paid by reimbursement
      2. If Net pay decreases due to adjustment, it can be collected
        1. Outside of the system
        2. By a payday advance

Overwrite Tax Deductions [Optional]

If system calculated deductions require changes:

  1. Run Payroll adjustment
  2. Once calculated, all deductions are editable, Make the changes & click Overwrite Tax
  3. System will recalculate Net Pay with updated deductions

Note: If you do not have permission to overwrite tax, contact us at [email protected]