How to add employees for Year end filing only

In this guide you will complete the following steps:

  1. Setup Employee(s)
  2. Add Earning /Deduction /Reimbursement
  3. Year to Date Data
    1. Setup Employee(s)
      1. Employee Setup
        1. Create employee(s) from Menu option (Employee >> Setup)
        2. These employees will be available to enter data in Year to Date Payroll Screen.
    2. Add Earning /Deduction /Reimbursement
      1. Create Earnings/Deductions before entering Year to Date data for employee
      2. Earning /Deduction /Reimbursement can be entered from Menu option ( Company >> EDR)
    3. Load Year to Date Payroll Screen
      1. Year to Date data can be entered from Menu option ( Settings >> Year to Date)
      2. These employees will not be available for regular payroll processing.
      3. Once data entry is saved in Year to date payroll screen, this employee cannot be deleted.