- NetSuite Setup
- Token Based Authentication [TBA]
- Basic Authentication
- Multiple Wage Accounts
- Export Settings:
- Journal Entry
- Paycheck Journal
- Export and View Data
- Business Payments
- Single SignOn
1. Login to SimplePay2. Go to Add-Ons > NetSuite > Setup
3. Select Token Based from Authentication Mode options
4. Enter your NetSuite Token ID, Token Secret, Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.
a. For NetSuite OneWorld you can find account number in your NetSuite OneWorld account here:
I. Setup > Custom > NC Product Registration
b. For standard NetSuite you can find account number here:
I. Setup > Integration > Web Services Preferences
6. Select Account type (NetSuite / NetSuite OneWorld)
7. If NetSuite OneWorld Account is selected, Subsidiary selection is mandatory.
1. Login to SimplePay
2. Go to Add-Ons > NetSuite > Setup
3. Select Basic from Authentication Mode options4. Enter your NetSuite Login information5. Enter Account Number
1. For NetSuite OneWorld find account number here:
1. Setup > Custom > NC Product Registration
2. For standard NetSuite find account number here:
6. Select Account type (NetSuite / NetSuite OneWorld)1. Setup > Integration > Web Services Preferences
Payroll export options7. If NetSuite OneWorld selected. Subsidiary selection is required.
1. Payroll can be exported from SimplePay to NetSuite as:
A separate journal for each employee
Journal entry grouped by Team for each pay period
Journal entry grouped by Department for each pay period
A separate journal for each pay period
A separate journal for each employee
II. Paycheck Journal feature cannot be selected for Non-Canadian Subsidiaries in NetSuite One World account
2. Set Export Type from Add-Ons>Accounting>NetSuite> Account Settings
Export as Journal Entry
1. In Account Settings, select Export Payroll as Journal Entry
2. Chart of Accounts will be populated from NetSuite. Every SimplePay expense and liability will be mapped to a chart ofaccounts imported from NetSuite in drop lists.
a. Accounts which have currency other than CAD will be disabled and cannot be selected
3. Create Chart of Accounts in NetSuite
b. Chart of Accounts can be created in NetSuite from:
I. Setup > Accounting > Chart of Accounts
1. for Journal Entry, Multiple Wage Account option is available for all Expense and Liabilities.
2. for Paycheck Journal, Multiple Wage Account option is available only for Payroll Liability [Net Pay].
3. Select Multiple Wage Account option and Save
4. After Save, Manage Wage Accounts menu will appear
5. Load Multiple Wage Accounts screen to assign accounts to employees
- a. Select Wage Account Type
- b. Select Posting Account
- c. Click Load
- d. Select Employee(s). One or more employees can be selected for a single posting account.
- e. Select Class, Location and Department if required, you can also manage employees in one Wage Account with different Classes, Locations and Departments or vice versa
- f. Click Add
- g. Employees will be moved to the Assigned Employees panel for selected Posting Account.
6. List is also available to view employees in different accounts. Click View to see details
7. Click Remove to delete employees assignments.
Export as Paycheck Journal
1. Set export to Paycheck Journal in SimplePay
a. Go to NetSuite>Account Settings. Set Export Payroll = Paycheck Journal
2. Dropdowns will be populated with payroll Items created in NetSuite3. Enable Paycheck Journal in NetSuite
a. Login to your NetSuite account
b. Go to Setup>Company>Enable Featuresc. Click on Employees Tabd. Select Paycheck Journal checkbox and click Save to enable Paycheck Journal in NetSuite
4. Create Payroll Items in NetSuite
a. Once Paycheck Journal feature is enabled in NetSuite , you can create payroll itemsb. Go to List>Employees>Payroll Items>New to create payroll itemsc. These payroll items will be available in SimplePay for mapping in AddOns>NetSuite>Account Settings screen.5. Payroll Items / Accounts Synchronization
a. After NetSuite has been connected with SimplePay, Payroll Items and Accounts can be synchronizedb. Go to Add-Ons>NetSuite>Account Settingsc. All Payroll Items / Chart of Accounts NetSuite will be available in drop downs. Set Payroll Items / Chart of Accounts for all Expenses & Liabilities and click Save.
6. Export employees from SimplePay to NetSuite
a. Go to Add-Ons>NetSuite>Export Datab. Click Export Employeesc. All employees in SimplePay will be exported to NetSuite. SimplePay also shows number of employees not exportedd. Employee information exported to NetSuite:
I. Last NameII. First NameIII. PhoneIV. External IdV. EmailVI. Middle NameVII. Mobile PhoneVIII. SubsidiaryIX. Labor CostX. Birth DateXI. Hire DateXII. Release dateXIII. TitleXIV.