Overview: This guide will complete the following steps:
1. Connect Workable API
2. Import employees from Workable
3. Link Employee[s]
4. Unlink Employee[s]
Connect Workable API
1. Login to SimplePay2. Go to Add-Ons>Workable >Setup3. Press Click Here link to connect with Workable.4. Login with your Workable credentials.5. Once authorised, you'll be asked to allow SimplePay to access your Workable account, press Allow access.6. Once authorised, you'll be directed back to SimplePay.7. Select your Workable account and press Save buttonImport employees from Workable1. In SimplePay, go to Add-Ons>Workable >Import Data.2. [Manage Employees panel] Employees in Workable not imported in SimplePay will be listed here3. Click Import Employees4. All employees will be loaded in an editable form5. Select employees to import6. Make any changes required and click Save7. Employees imported into SimplePay. Go to Employee>List or payroll screen to review.Link employees between Workable & SimplePayIf employees already exist in both apps at the time of connecting, use Link Employees to connect them1. Select employee[s] under SimplePay list and Workable list2. Click Link Employee[s] button3. Successfully linked employees will have green border around their droplistsUnlink employeesTo unlink SimplePay employee with Workable1. Select employee in SimplePay list.2. Set [--] in Workable list3. Click Link Employee[s].