• Custom Benefits and Allowances

    Custom Benefits and Allowances in SimplePay

    SimplePay allows custom benefits and allowances that can be used in employee's payroll. SimplePay allows 3 type of custom amounts

    1. Earnings
    2. Deductions
    3. Reimbursements

    1. Custom Earnings

    Custom Earnings can be created by either selecting a type from pre-defined list of CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) list of Benefits and Allowances. This will auto select the options for deduction of Federal Tax, Provincial Tax, CPP, EI, Vacation Pay and T4 filing Code. You can also create Custom Earnings with custom labels and select the options base on your preferences for deduction of Federal Tax, Provincial Tax, CPP, EI, Vacation Pay and T4 filing Code. SimplePay allows you to set default amounts for Custom Earnings in employee salary profile

    2. Deductions

    You can also create Custom Deductions with custom labels. These will be used as deduction at source and will be deducted before calculation of Net Pay. SimplePay allows you to set default amounts for Custom Deductions in employee salary profile. 

    3. Reimbursements

    SimplePay allows to add Custom Reimbursements with custom labels. These will be added to Net Pay. SimplePay allows you to set default amounts for Custom Reimbursements in employee salary profile